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Registration in companies PayPay

PayPay is payment system with function wallet on internet and in your mobility telephone.

With service may money to anybody send, or from whomsoever accept on number mobile telephone (SMS), enameling address, PayPay or banking account.

Operations are enter SMS message from your mobile telephone, or over PayPay.com, on internet's page businessman, or over PayPayDesktop.

Registration of the user and foundation PayPay amounts:

  • Register with PayPay and institute amounts is able to every, who has functional enamel.

Personal account be instrumental to personnel record purposes individuals or their family.
Commercial account be instrumental to commercial but also noncommercial purposes individuals (dealers, businessman, entrepreneur) and companies (businesses, foundations, reigns and non-governmental organization).

Customer access to the PayPay as well as your new PayPay account oneself you creates automatic after replete indicial blank and successful attested your enameling addresses.

May yourself add too number your mobile telephone, where you they will be transport SMS acknowledgments about payment, or may send off SMS bank draft. Number will be verification SMS key. It yourself may add too later in settings.

Registration is free and lasts for approximately 3 minutes. Registration in companies PayPay


Registration in companies Moneybookers

Moneybookers is English banking company, that have banking account at upwards of 30 country, between them too Slovakia and Cesko. Therefore is this for us najvyhodnejsi and the chapepest way transport penazi. After registration may sent money at your ucet in Moneybookers and towed their further malanders requisites transferrer others member Moneybookers, may sent money with minimal money anywhere in the world. Accordingly may dimisit financial resources from advertising campaign  on one's Moneybookers account and towed then on one's householder bank acount. Deposit on Moneybookers account is free of charge. Pay only home banknote transfer (malanders dues your banks). You need not have currency acount, be enough common banknote acount at banquet.

How oneself register :

Registration is without engagement and  free. Visit home page  Moneybookers and click on message register.Portray oneself you blank for recording private persons Personal Account (probably Your case),  or businesses Business Account. 
 portray oneself you blank, who supply follow : as follows:At blank infilling Your poop !


Registration in companies Alertpay

Some pages ( PTC ) already nevyplacaju money for PayPal.com, but on: Alertpay.com, then yourself may lead through money for E-gold, PayPal.com or banking account. 


Registration in company PayPal

Registration and foundation charge is very simple and occuy you only pair minute.

On following page picked out type charge "Personal Account" just earth, where exist, picked out "Czech Republic abo Slovakia". Through the medium push-button "Continue" assign poop send off and I will pass on gave page.

Oneself us indicial folmular after infilling personal report. All poop write elder diakritiky (hacker and line), as PayPal nezomiera czech coding sign. How interphone ("Home Telephone") could mel exist number on firm land rule and elder international  code.

Further jsu asking two check questions and reply to non. Choose e.g . name your mammy in dievoctva ("Mother' maiden measured") and town birth ("The City of birth").

Indicial folmular finish in certificate acquiescence in indicial condition, who recommend preferably poprecitovat, and generation safety code knavish reflection little picture.
Entire folmular ensued send off through the medium push-button "Sign Up".

After sending indicial blank is on enameling address, introduction near registration, sending enamel with name "Activate Your PayPal Account!".
Herein enamel naleznete message after completion activate PayPal charge and confirmation ownership be on file enameling address.

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit
        card payments instantly. 

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